Compensation Disclosure

This Compensation Disclosure is being provided for your protection and to fully disclose the possible relationship between products or service recommendations found on my site. It is always recommended that before you purchase any products or services on the Internet, including those on my site, that you conduct your own research and exercise due diligence.

I must inform you that a relationship may exist between me and the products or services I review, recommend or promote.

1. Material Affiliation

It is advisable to assume that any mention made by me of a product or service is made because there exist, unless otherwise stated, a material connection between the product or service owners and me. It should be understood that any recommendation made by me for any product or service has been made in good faith. These recommendations reflect the fact that I have either tried the product or service myself, or have extensively researched them and can give an honest opinion to the merit of the product or service.

2. Product/Service Partiality

Due to the material connection between me and the owners of the products or services recommended here, it must be understood that a bias for these products or services might exist. These biases, although based on facts, could have developed because of compensation I may receive for such recommendations from the product or service owners, although I make every effort I can to provide only accurate and true statements and/or reviews of each product or service.

Regardless of whether I have, or will receive compensation from product or service owners, it should be understood that a relationship exist between us, so there does exist, established or not, the potential for a material connection between the product and service owners and myself.

Before entering into any agreement or purchasing any product from the information found on my site, it is advisable to understand this potential partiality due to possible compensation I may receive from the owner’s of products or services recommended on my site. You should perform your own research and exercise due diligence prior to purchasing products or services from any website.

3. Compensation.

I may receive compensation for recommendations made in reference to the products or services on my site. This compensation may be in the form of money, services or complimentary products, and could exist without any action from a site visitor (you). Should you purchase a product or service that was recommended by me, it is understood that some form of compensation might be made to me. For example, if you click on an link on this site, and then make a purchase of the recommended product or service, I may receive compensation.

Note: I make every effort I can to provide only true and accurate statements in regards to any and all products or services mentioned, reviewed or recommended by me.

Contacting Me

If you have any questions about my Privacy Policy or Compensation Disclosure, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please send inquiries to:



Mailing Address:

1801 W Belle Plaine Ave, Suite 108, Chicago, IL 60613